Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biomedical Reports, 2015, 1, 2, 50-54.
DOI: 10.5530/PTB.1.2.3
Published: 15th May, 2015
Type: Original Article
Authors: Kondalkar Avinash, Sharma Rahul, Patle Shiker, and Srivastava Rajnish
Author(s) affiliations:
Kondalkar Avinash, Sharma Rahul, Patle Shikhar and Srivastava Rajnish*
Department of pharmacology, NRI institute of pharmacy, Sajjan Singh Nagar, Raisen Road, Bhopal (M.P), INDIA.
Objective: The present study was to estimate extend or percentage of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting in Bhopal region at pilot level. Our main objective is not only to find out the reporting status but is to find out the possible causable reason behind the under-reporting of the suspected ADRs by the private practioners. Methods: A questionnaire based short intensive survey was conducted on the private practioners of the Bhopal region. The questionnaire consists of ten questions from which most of it was totally based and design so that we can get the much close and exact reason for the under-reporting practices. The survey was conducted by a random sample of approximate 150 private practioners of the Bhopal region. Results: The overall reporting percentage was only approximately 7% or the under-reporting percentage was approximately 93% that clearly indicates somewhat a considerable obstacle for the roadmap forecast by the CDSCO in collaboration with IPC. Conclusion: The under-reporting percentage was quite considerable (93%) so as to look after the issue to resolve or for improvement. As majority of population have their reliability and first exposure of treatment via private practices. So ADRs at this level if reported earlier in the phase of drug exposure could be better controlled as per quality concern and also its global exposure may be prevented.