Pattern use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs among Saudi Community: Patients’ Perspective

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biomedical Reports, 2019, 5, 2, 84-87.
DOI: 10.5530/PTB.2019.5.15
Published: July 2019
Type: Research Article
Authors: Amani Abdullah Bahdailah

Author(s) affiliations:

Amani Abdullah Bahdailah*, Pharmaceutical Care Services, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz University Hospital, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.


Objectives: In this study, we aimed to explore the utilization of public use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) among the participants from the major metropolitan areas in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study conducted over a period of 6 months. The study questionnaire was randomly distributed via digital media using Survey Monkey system to individuals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire comprised 24 questions related to demographic data; age; education; socioeconomic status; weight; history of chronic disease; history of pain; frequency, type and dosage of NSAIDs; and indication for the use of NSAIDs. The survey web link was distributed via social media to a convenient sample of participants. Data were tabulated and analyzed by using SPSS version 13 software. Results: The survey questionnaire was distributed to 3000 patients and a total of 500 participants responded, making the response rate as 16.6%. Of them, the highest percentage of responders belonged to the age group of above 40 years (52.63%, n=263). Majority of the responders had a university degree (66.20%, n=329). Of all the responders, 54% (n=272) did not use painkillers daily, whereas 43.33% (n=216) took painkillers daily; 2.26% (n=11) of the responders did not remember. Around 87% (n=433) of the responders tool an average of 1–3 NSAIDs daily, 11.44% (n=57) took 4–7 NSAIDs daily and 1.49% (n=7) responders took 8–12 NSAIDs daily without a prescription. Furthermore, 0.50% (n=2) of the responders took more than 12 NSAIDs per day. Conclusion: The NSAIDs are highly utilized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the number of awareness programs for the public about the side effects of short- and long-term use of NSAIDs is highly recommended in Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs, Patient, Pattern, Saudi Arabia, Use

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