Public Knowledge of Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectants in Saudi Arabia

PTB Reports, 2021, 7, 3, 86-94.
DOI: 10.5530/PTB.2021.7.15
Published: December 2021
Type: Research Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi, Basmah Sulimain AlHamdan, Amani Abdullah Bahdailah, Sahar Obaid Alosaimi, and Deema Abdullah Altuwayhir

Author(s) affiliations:

Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, BSc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE, Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists, TPN Clinical Pharmacist, Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor and Data Analyst, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Basmah Sulimain AlHamdan, Senior Quality Specialist, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Amani Abdullah Bahdailah, Pharmaceutical Care Services, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz University Hospital, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Sahar Obaid Alosaimi, College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Taif, SAUDI ARABIA.

Deema Abdullah Altuwayhir, College of Dentistry, Hail University, Hail, SAUDI ARABIA.


Objectives: Hand sanitizers and disinfectants have been commonly used during epidemic and pandemic situations. Despite the proven efficacy and safety of sanitizers and disinfectants, the publics’ knowledge about their use is still controversial. In this survey, we aimed to investigate the knowledge of the public about the use of hand sanitizer and disinfectants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Design and Setting: A self-administered structured questionnaire was sent to the public via online mode. It collected demographic information and collected information about different hand sanitizers and disinfectants and their general knowledge on such products, contraindications, and storage information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected through the Survey monkey program. Results: A total of 402 participants responded to the questionnaire. Of them, 32.58% were from the western region, and 25.76% were from the central area, and there were statistically significant differences between different regions (p=0.000). Based on nationality, 90.88% of Saudi nationals responded to the questionnaire. In addition, 65.17% of the responders were female, with statistically significant differences (p=0.000). The most prevalent age group was between 18 and 29 years (50.25%), with statistically significant differences between all age groups (p=0.000). The average general knowledge score was 3.90 emphasizing the medication administration (4.40) and frequency of usage (4.25). The average score of contraindication knowledge was 2.91. The feature most known by the public was the general side reaction that appears during use (3.21), and usage of the medication with other drugs is forbidden (3.04). The average score for the knowledge of storage was 3.45. The part most known by the patient was the storage of the sanitizer or disinfectant at room temperature (3.91) and sanitizer or disinfectant prices in general (3.58). Conclusion: The knowledge about storage of sanitizers and disinfectants among the public in Saudi Arabia was satisfactory; however, the knowledge about contraindications was insufficient. Therefore, we recommend increasing the general public’s awareness about sanitizers and disinfectants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Disinfectants, Knowledge, Public, Sanitizer, Saudi Arabia.