Pharmacy Infection Control: Basic Hygiene for Pharmacy Staff

PTB Reports, 2022, 8, 2, 46-56.
DOI: 10.5530/PTB.2022.8.7
Published: July 2022
Type: Review Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi, Anhar Alyousef, Mohammed Mominul Islam, Maha Hussein Almadany, Fatimah Abdaziz Almana, Ebtissam Mohammad Badawoud, and Fahad Khurshid

Author(s) affiliations:
Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, BSc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists TPN Clinical Pharmacist, Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor, and Data Analyst, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Anhar Alyousef, Pharm D, Innova Healthcare Company, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Mohammed Mominul Islam, MBBS, MPH, MSc, Deputy Director, Department of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA.

Maha Hussein Almadany, BSc. Pharm. Health Care Quality Management Professional Diploma (HCQM), Pharmacy Quality, Department King Salman bin Abdulaziz Medical City, Al Madina Al Monwarah, SAUDI ARABIA.

Fatimah Abdaziz Almana, BSc, MSc, MSHA, King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, SAUDI ARABIA.

Ebtissam Mohammad Badawoud, BSc. Pharm, TQM Diploma, MSc. Pharmacoeconomics Accreditation and Policies Department, Accreditation Unit General Directorate of Quality and Patient Safety Ministry of Health, SAUDI ARABIA.

Fahad Khurshid, BSc. Pharm, Saudi Electricity Company, Division Manager, Health Services and Occupation, Dammam, SAUDI ARABIA.


Objectives: This study aims at declaring the Hand Hygiene (HH) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy and procedures as a new initiative for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for the pharmacy services in Saudi Arabia. Methods: This is a narrative review of pharmacy infection control. A literature search was performed using various databases, including PubMed, Medline, and Google Scholar, about specific topics related to infection control in pharmacy practice. The search period was from the 1960s to October 2021. The terms searched were in English and included narrative review, systemic review, meta-analysis, and guidelines. terms Policies and procedures for the last 10 years across all hospitals or community pharmacy services were included in the search terms. The research team of the pharmacy infection control consist of various expert members including clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists, and infection control specialists. One member drafted the policy. Some member reviewed the draft policy and corrected it. The other member, who is an infection control specialist, revised last draft. The topic emphasizes on the adoption and practices of the policies and procedures on hand hygiene (HH) and personal protective equipment (PPE) for the pharmacy infection prevention and control. Results: The hand hygiene and personal protective equipment policy of pharmacy infection prevention control consist of various items, including steps of hand hygiene and proper donning and doffing sequences of the PPE during pharmacy performances. Conclusion: The policies and procedures related to hand hygiene and personal protective equipment are the foundations of pharmacy infection control and control. Implementation and practices of HH and PPE aims at the prevention and control Healthcare wirh ephazaized on pharmacy staff related Infections, which in lieu, improve patient safety Therefore, hand hygiene and personal protective equipment policy is recommended for all pharmacy settings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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