The Practice of Pharmacokinetics Services by Nurses in Saudi Arabia

PTB Reports, 2024, 10, 1, 8-16.
Published: September 2024
Type: Research Article
Abeer Atawai, Soliman Imam, Yousef Ahmed Alomi, Raghad Hamad Alruwaili, Ayman Dhafer Alshehri, Fahad Mofareh Alosaimi, Faisal Sultan Alosaimi.

Author(s) affiliations:

Abeer Atawai, Ph D Faculty of Nursing, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA.

Mohamed Soliman Imam, B.Sc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Shaqra University, Shaqra, SAUDI ARABIA.
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Fom El Khalig Square, Kasr Al-Aini Street, Cairo, EGYPT.

Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, B.Sc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists, TPN Clinical Pharmacist, Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor, and Data Analyst, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Raghad Hamad Alruwaili, Pharm D., College of Pharmacy, Northern Border University, Rafha, SAUDI ARABIA.

Ayman Dhafer Alshehri, Pharm D., College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Taif, SAUDI ARABIA.

Fahad Mofareh Alosaimi, Pharm D., College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Taif, SAUDI ARABIA.

Faisal Sultan Alosaimi, Pharm D., College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Taif, SAUDI ARABIA


Objectives: To explore the essential practice of Pharmacokinetics Services by Nurses in Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: It analyzes a cross-sectional survey discussing the essential practice of Pharmacokinetics Services by Saudi Arabian nurses. The survey consisted of respondents’ demographic information about The crucial practice of Pharmacokinetics Services by the nurses at the institution. The availability of Drug-level services at the institution, the nurses requested any pharmacokinetics or drug level, the Number of patients needing drug-level services, and the Number of drug levels observed/ suspected daily. Besides, most medications are requested to check blood levels. The 5-point Likert response scale system was used with closed-ended questions. The survey was validated through the revision of expert reviewers and pilot testing. Besides, various tests of the reliability of McDonald’s ω, Cronbach alpha, Gutmann’s λ2, and Gutmann’s λ6 were done with the study. The data analysis was done through the Survey Monkey system. Besides, the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (S.P.S.S.), Jeffery’s Amazing Statistics Program (J.A.S.P.), and Microsoft Excel sheet version 16. Results: A total number of 408 nurses responded to the questionnaire. Of them, almost two-thirds responded from the central region (140 (34.31%)) and southern areas (119 (29.17%)), with statistically significant differences between the provinces (p=0.000). Most of the responders were from Ministry of Health (M.O.H.) hospitals (267 (65.44%)), with a statistically significant difference between working sites (p=0.000). Males responded more than females (210 (52.24%)) versus 192 (47.76%)), with statistically significant differences between all levels (p=0.000). Most of the responders were in the age group of 36-45 years (227 (55.91%)) and 46-55 years (99 (24.38%)), with statistically significant differences between all age groups (p=0.000). The majority of responders, 372 (91.85%), worked at an organization that had drug levels form, with most of them, 378 (93.33%), ever requesting Pharmacokinetics services or drug levels with statistically significant differences between all answers (p=0.000). The total Number of patients serviced of drug levels requested was (2,609) daily, with an average number (of 6.58) per hospital. Those drug levels requested were needed for (16.82) patients daily per hospital, with a total number of patients being (6,663); The average Number of drug levels requested orders per patient was (2.55) (Table 3). The average score of practice items for Pharmacokinetics Services at the institution was (3.79). The “Mission of Pharmacokinetics Services system” obtained the highest score (4.00). In contrast, the lowest score was obtained for “Pharmacokinetics services and research” (3.58). Conclusion: The nursing practice of pharmacokinetic services is acceptable. Most nursing responders partied in pharmacokinetics services at their healthcare organization with appropriate medications. The workload of pharmacokinetics services was high at the nursing department. The annual plan and research of pharmacokinetics services did not reach the optimal level. The nursing practice standard of pharmacokinetics services should be reviewed, and drug utilization is required to improve the nursing practice of pharmacokinetics services.

Keywords: Nurses, Practice, Pharmacokinetics, Drug level, Saudi Arabia.

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