Community Pharmacy Policy and Procedures: Health Disease Screening

PTB Reports, 2024, 10, 4, 133-139.
DOI: 10.71092/PTB.2024.10.27
Published: December 2024
Type: Research Article
Authors: Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, Abeer Hussin Almasoudi, Sumiah Ahmed Murad, Khawlah Abdullah Batil AlBatil, Majed Marzouq albalawi, Alanoud Abdullatif Albalawi


Author(s) affiliations:

Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, BSc. Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE, Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists, TPN Clinical Pharmacist Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor and Data Analyst, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Abeer Hussin Almasoudi, BSc.Pharm, BCPS., Director, Organizational Excellence, Ministry of Health Branch, Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA.

Sumiah Ahmed Murad, MD Applied Epidemiologist, MOH – Jeddah Brach, Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA.

Khawlah Abdullah Batil AlBatil, SBFM, Riyadh First Health Cluster Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA.

Majed Marzouq albalawi, Bsc. Radiology King Khalid Hospital , Tabuk Health Cluster, Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA.

Alanoud Abdullatif Albalawi, Pharm. Tech. Population Health Management, Ministry of Health, Tabuk Branch Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA.


Objectives: This research is of paramount importance as it delves into the crucial area of Health Disease screening in community pharmacy practice, particularly as a new initiative in Saudi Arabia. The significance of this exploration lies in its potential to significantly shape and enhance healthcare practices in the region, making it a topic of great interest and relevance to healthcare professionals, policymakers and researchers. Materials and Methods: This was a comprehensive narrative review of Health Disease screening in community pharmacy policy and procedures. We meticulously searched databases, including PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar, for specific research policies and procedures in pharmacy practice. The search period spanned from the 1960s until October 2021 and the search was conducted in English, including narrative reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and guidelines. All hospital or community pharmacy services were included in the search term, as well as national and international guidelines of public health and community pharmacy policies and procedures. The committee of public health of community pharmacy was formulated and consisted of various expert members, including clinical community pharmacists, community pharmacists and clinical public health specialists. The guidelines of the policy draft were reviewed and corrected by one member and the second member and the third revision was by the research specialist. The topic emphasizes the Public health of community pharmacy policy and procedures. Results: The community pharmacy’s Health Disease screening policy consisted of various items. These included cardiovascular disease screening, Women’s health screening, endocrinology disease screening, Infectious disease screening, mental disease screening and medication risk screening. Conclusion: The findings of this research underscore the potential of Health Disease screening in community pharmacy policy and procedures as a new initiative in community pharmaceutical care. This initiative, which provides patient care for the public population and is a proactive tool for preventive healthcare services, is highly recommended for the pharmacy model of New Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia, potentially reshaping and enhancing healthcare practices in the region.
Keywords: Health Disease screening, Public health, Research, Policy, Pharmacy, Saudi Arabia.

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